Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And the idle-cynic mind..

When i see Park Street on fire, or German Bakery reduced to ashes.. i ask myself i safe?? This is perhaps too critical a question, that reverberates in my hollow mind....If i could, then i'd ask the man in the powder-blue 'pagri'....
And my alter ego exclaims,"..alack my lady!... who art thou? ..a commoner with dreams, and obviously inspired by the "yes we can CHANGE" speech!!"...& i realise, i am but ..a plain jane, and not some celeb, for god sake!
I can only stir in shock..blame the terrorists and the government, sip my coffee and lull on the sofa... and my critical question gets completely bogged down in the grime asphalt roads of more critical issues.. my little black dress, multiple heart breaks, the 'in' gossip, the new Italian restaurant, blackberry-apple-incoherent gadget talk, recent plex releases, the hot guy in the campus, how to cheat effectively in exams....blah...... even before i could mull over, what i said initially!
But i never lag behind the 'know-it-all's, ok?....I am an avid watcher of the 24hour news channels...& that serves my daily dose of prime time entertainment...gory details, tete a tete with politicians..high profile people, polls and SMS's........ 'sensationalism' at its best!!

This piece is a result of having an idle mind, where the Devil works his a** off, every f***ing minute. This hyper real world-stage really rocks...but i'm not sure about the direction of motion, neither i'm fully aware of the cataclysmic consequences! Thanks for reading. You played your part well ["..and all the men and women are merely players"].....
. And I am speaking in iambic pentameter verse.......


  1. realism at its best. brutal bt so so real

  2. "This piece is a result of having an idle mind, where the Devil works his a** off, every f***ing minute."

    ..... this line wins the show...
    post some more girl!

  3. he heh..after i get over my indolence :P


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