Monday, June 7, 2010

Decapitating THE Senses. . .

I wept in rooms of Grief.. I howled in chambers of Horror.
In the corridor of Pain, My battered body was dragged..

In the halls of Fame, it signaled my arrival.

I moaned, i loathed..Yet i smiled a Bloody smile.
And laughed a sighing laughter.

Is it the mirror? Is it? Tell me if it is for real?
If i touch..will it break? Will i break?

Will it shatter to a hundred pieces like the shell that destroyed the tower of pride?

...And i touched it.


  1. This is bold, blatant and plain brilliant! I love the constant on-the-edge, crisis-countdown feeling it generates! :)

  2. in ur lang.. "brootal" ? :P ..thankeww love!!!

  3. "the shell that destroyed the tower of pride"- quite an unique image... liked the poem.

  4. bold and dark.
    liked the usage of the mirror.
    nice poem, deba.

  5. thanks torsa and riya :)
    riya... u gave me da incentive!! muah.

  6. :D ...and some more strictly heterosexual and legal PDA for u. muah :D


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